Delicious Caramel Apple Dump Cake


10 Tips for Cooking Caramel Apple Dump Cake

  1. Use high-quality apple pie filling for the best flavor.

  2. Feel free to add chopped nuts like pecans or walnuts for extra crunch.

  3. Experiment with different cake mix flavors, such as spice cake or yellow cake with pudding mix.

  4. Serve with a drizzle of caramel sauce for added indulgence.

  5. Try topping with a scoop of cinnamon ice cream for a festive twist.

  6. Substitute melted coconut oil for butter to make it dairy-free.

  7. Garnish with fresh apple slices or a sprinkle of cinnamon before serving.

  8. For a quicker option, use a store-bought caramel sauce instead of making your own.

  9. Serve leftovers warmed with a scoop of yogurt for breakfast.

  10. Store leftovers covered in the refrigerator for up to 3 days

Serve It With Suggestions

  • Pair your Caramel Apple Dump Cake with a scoop of vanilla ice cream or a dollop of whipped cream for a decadent treat.
  • For added flair, drizzle with caramel sauce and sprinkle with chopped nuts or cinnamon.
  • Serve alongside a steaming cup of coffee or hot apple cider for the perfect ending to any meal.



Q: Can I use fresh apples instead of canned pie filling?
A: Yes, you can use peeled, sliced fresh apples tossed with sugar and spices as a substitute for canned pie filling.

Q: Can I make this dessert ahead of time?
A: Absolutely! You can assemble the dump cake in advance and refrigerate until ready to bake. Simply increase the baking time slightly if starting from cold.

Q: Can I freeze leftover dump cake?
A: Yes, you can freeze leftover dump cake in an airtight container for up to 3 months. Thaw overnight in the refrigerator before reheating.

Q: Can I use a different cake mix flavor?
A: Of course! Feel free to experiment with different cake mix flavors to customize the taste of your dump cake.

Q: Can I add other fruits to the filling?
A: Absolutely! Try adding slices of pear or chunks of pineapple for a unique twist on this classic dessert.

Q: How do I prevent the cake topping from getting too soggy?
A: To prevent the cake topping from becoming soggy, ensure that the butter is evenly distributed over the cake mix, and avoid overcrowding the baking dish. Additionally, you can sprinkle a thin layer of oats or chopped nuts over the cake mix for added texture.

Q: Can I make this dessert gluten-free?
A: Yes, you can use a gluten-free cake mix and ensure that all other ingredients are certified gluten-free to make this dessert suitable for those with gluten sensitivities.

Q: Can I add additional spices to the filling?

A: Absolutely! Feel free to customize the flavor of the filling by adding spices like cloves, ginger, or allspice for a more complex taste profile.

Q: Can I serve this dessert cold?
A: While it's traditionally served warm, you can certainly enjoy this dessert cold straight from the refrigerator. It's delicious either way!

Q: Can I use a different type of fruit pie filling?
A: Yes, you can experiment with different fruit pie fillings such as cherry, peach, or blueberry to create unique flavor combinations.

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